To get the greatest benefits of our system, the user should use the web - based interface, which allows to configure and control everything around the property from anywhere. 

The interface is configured to run on every system with an internet browser, smartphone, tablet or computer and an unlimited number of users can be set to have access to it.

How to log in on the UI:

  • On a web browser page, go to
  • Enter your property reference number
  • Click on CONNECT
  • Enter your username and password 
  • Click on LOGIN
You will be directed to the Home Page, which shows access icons for all the Zones (rooms) in the house, along with basic information about their status. These have been collated into related groups (e.g. Ground floor, Outside etc). 

Overview of the UI

On the top left corner, there is a menu button that will open up a list with options available:

  • Home - to return  to the home page
  • Planner - Hausmate is run by setting predefined profiles, which are patterns that suit your lifestyle the best (e.g Children's school days, weekends, someone visiting etc). More information about how to set up profiles are here.
  • Settings - it displays an overview about all Hausmate components for the entire property, temperature set points and website overview. 

    • Under the User Logins page, you can manage the current users and set up new accounts - there is no limit on the number of users that can have access to the property. 
    • Under House State page, you can change weather forecast and ambient light settings.
    • All other pages are explained in more detail in the articles with the same name.

  • Display Names - On this page you can view the Building, Groups and Zone and Device names - as they are displayed on the Home Page. Names and groups assignment can be modified, as it suits the user.

    • Under the Groups page, you can add new groups, edit the name of existing groups and reorder them on the Home Page.
    • Under the Room Names page (see photo), you will find a list with all the rooms in the property. The first column contains the name given by the architect in the design process, these cannot be modified. The Display Name is the name which will show on the Home Page, next to each room. You can also change the group a room is assigned to and choose an icon to be displayed. The Occupancy Delay represents the number of seconds between the moment when the occupancy sensor detects movement and the time when this appears on the Home Page. This will prevent activating occupancy when someone is just passing by.

  • Access  -  From this page you can control the access to the building through gates and/or doors. If a CCTV system is installed, you can view the images them, to check for example who is at the door before opening. 

  • About  -  this page displays information about the property number (as per installation), the current version of the software run and hardware information about Zone Gateways (ZG) and DMX Gateways (DG). The two other  tools on this page are Diagnostics and Charting. 
    • On the Diagnostics page, you can view the status of all devices around the property, grouped by category. Press SELECT DEVICES to chose the device you want to view. Once a list with all devices selected appears on the screen, click on UPDATE.  You will get a table with the location, current value and previous time the value has been updated. The examples in the photo below shows the ambient temperature sensors (TAMB)

    • The Charting page gives users the possibility of seeing the data collected from their house in real time. You can chose the dates and the sensors you are interested in, then press PLOT CHART. If the date and time field is empty, the software will plot the results over the last 24h. The example below shows the inside ambient temperature (blue) and the outside temperature (red) over a period of 24h.