
DMX dimmer units are installed around the property, usually mounted on the wall and receive commands from the DMX Gateways (DG) about lighting requirements in the house.  Each DMX unit contains a set of controlled power outputs - known as 'channels'. Each channel is used to control a single light circuit. The commands will include information about the channel number to be changed, its required final value and the ramp rate (speed) which it should change at. 

Sizes: 370x515x90mm (H x W x D). If cooling/ventilation space is included, the size required becomes 500 x 600 x 100  (H x W x D).

  • DP1602CB, 16 channel, 2 amp per channel, 4 of the first 7 channels can be uprated to 4 amps but this makes the unit non-standard
  • DP804CB, 8 channel, 4 amps per channel;
  • DP404CB, 4 channel, 4 amps per channel;
  • DP410CB, 4 channel,10 amps per channel.

Every channel has it's own single pole circuit breaker with a double pole isolation switch for the unit supply. The isolation switch is normally upgraded to a 2-pole, 30mA RCD.

***See attached Anytronics data sheets

DMX dimmer unit for LEDs 3 channel 

PWM LED dimmer unit (for constant voltage LEDs) - PX24500 - see units data sheet ( could not find the data sheet). These are used for low voltage (e.g. 12Vdc, 24Vdc), constant voltage LEDs e.g. LED tapes.

Connector pin outs for DMX networks

RJ45 CAT5 Wire colour Function 5 pin DIN 3 pin DIN
1 white/orange signal +  3 3
2 orange signal - 2 2
3 white/green
4 blue
not used 
(telephone pin 1)

5 white/blue
 not used  
(telephone pin 2)

6 green
7 white/brown 0V 1 1
8 brown not used