Setup the Hausmate production test equipment as per document 'Testing hardware - equipment setup'.

When testing the Sensor Unit (SU) it must be plugged into socket 6 of the test Zone Gateway (ZG) 

  1. 'Values' below can be checked using the 'Bench, sensors' page of the UI (User Interface - the HostPC's website)
  2. Using at CAT5e or CAT6 patch cable, connect the Unit Under Test (UUT) socket 'ZG' (skt1) to the ZG socket '6'
  3. Whilst watching the DIG2 value, plug in the 'sensor unit test lead'. Ensure the DIG2 value changes from 'true' to 'false'.
  4. Move a warm object (your hand) in front of the central PIR - the PIR value should change from false to true and back again (plce UUT with the PIR on the bench to stop it flicking on/off all the time.
  5. Wait for the Tamb value to read the current room temperature. 
  6. Check that the Tobj temperature is also near this temperature - now place a warm object (your hand) in front of the large hole on the side of the plastic moulding - the value should start to increase. 
  7. Check the HUM value is representative of the current humidity (%RH - percentage relative humidity), breath over the larger of the 2 holes on the top of the SU - check the HUM value increases.
  8. Cover the SU with a black/dark sheet of paper and check the AMB value drops.
  9. An alternative to 4, 6, 7 and 8 above is to cup your hands around the SU, covering all the holes on the SU molding. Tobj will increase (assumes hands are not cold), humidity wil increase as hands give off water vapour, ambient light will drop as hands block light to light sensor, PIR will change as PIR detects movement.
  10. Check the ANL1 value is between 320 and 360.
  11. Check the ANL1 value is between 670 and 710.
  12. If all the above is satisfactory then mark the unit as having passed test buy writing the following - yyyymm-nnn where yyyy is the current year, mm is the current month and nnn is the number of the UUT having passed test this month, (each product type starts at number 0 on the 1st of each month). Use a fine tip permanent marker pen e.g. Staedtler Lumocolour black fine pen Art 318-9 (EAN 40 07817 304563).
  13. Write on the yyyymm-nnn number of the UUT on the outside of the packing bag.
  14. Record on the 'Hausmate production test record sheet' the date, start time, end time, testers name, for each tester's session and the start number (nnn) and end number (nnn) for that session. A new sheet is required for each product, each month.
  15. If any unit fails any test then attach a label stating which part of the test failed e.g. 'Tamb, no temp', 'PIR, no change' and put the UUT in the fail bin for rework.

HUM value

roughly %RH




409 40
655 75
778 100